Saturday, December 20, 2008

First post

This is a new blog for me to post some of my art that I create using open source tools. I also hope I can give you some good tips and information when it comes to open source art tools. I will focus not only on Linux, but OS X and Windows as well. I run all three systems, Linux being my favorite and OS X a close second. I may be cross posting some things from my web-site, Dark Artistry just as an FYI.

I have been running Linux since 1994, give or take, and started using open art tools seriously in the late nineties. I am a Python programmer doing administrative, network, and systems programming as well as some web development in my career, but doing digital art is really what I enjoy most. I am lucky to be working in an area where I can utilize open source software on a daily basis and being in a Windows shop makes it even better. I have been running Mandriva 2009 lately and absolutely love it, KDE 4 is simply amazing.

I haven't really had a lot of time to create art. I think the the last real piece of art I created was last year. Mainly this is because I have a young son who demands much of my time when I am not working. The rest of my time, at least lately, is spent exercising. After quitting a smoking habit of almost twenty years I found that I gained a bit of weight after a year. Now that I am feeling healthy and the best I have felt in years and my son is becoming more independent, he is four, I feel the time is right to focus on my art once again. It may be a slow start, but it's a start...

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